Thursday, January 21, 2010

What am I doing?

I'm a man who's trying to get healthy by eating only raw foods. It's very difficult and a couple of aspects of my life make it more difficult. 1) I cook in a bar. 2) I like to drink beer.

I started the year off with a juice feast and that lasted about a week. Then I started just eating raw food and that was easy until I had to take a trip to my seventy-year-old father's wedding. So I'm back and trying to recover from a couple of nights of beer fest.

My wife also has a blog, The Daily Raw Cafe, and she's preparing all the recipes from "The Complete Book of Raw." I am her official taste tester since at the moment and probably for a while, she's on a juice feast.

My goal is to be 100% raw and lose 80lbs and get my health back. I'm 42 yrs and it sucks waking up with sore muscles and dragging myself out of bed every morning. I'm also a cook in a sports bar which is a pretty bad influence constantly in my face.

This is what I'm doing and I just wanted to get that out of the way so I can write some crazy funny blogs in the future and will also be commenting on at least 300 recipes that my wonderful wife will be preparing.

Thank you and have fun.

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